石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁660&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁313&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁289-290&* 陶成,江蘇寶應人。字孟學,一字懋學,號雲湖山人。成化七(一四七一)年,領鄉薦。工詩及篆隸,又善山水人物及花竹鳥獸,尤善作鈎勒竹兔。性孤介,為人放蕩不羈,有米南宮、郭忠恕之風,而豪邁過之。&*Two Rabbits under Chrysanthemums T’ao Ch’eng (fl. 15th c.) Ming Dynasty T’ao Ch’eng had two style names, Meng-hsüeh and Mao-hsüeh, and the sobriquet of Yün-hu shan-jen. He came from Pao-ying in Kiangsu and in 1471 he passed a civil service examination and was made a hsiang-chien (second degree graduate). He was an excellent poet and was also skilled in writing seal script (chuan-shu) and official script (li-shu). Also of fine quality are T’ao Ch’eng’s landscapes, figures, flowers, bamboo, birds and animals; one particular technique he used was to outline bamboo and rabbits, then fill the forms in with color. An independent spirit, T’ao Ch’eng was notorious for his customary negligence, supposedly even greater than that of Mi Fu or Kuo Chung-shu.